Law of grace

The Lord lives in his holy mountain in unapproachable lights. No eye can see and no heart can perceive his beauty. He is beyond all and in him we all find our fullness. It was the desire of his heart to make mankind in his own image and give them a portion in his treasure as a father leaves inheritance for his children. He wanted his people to come to him and share in his divine fellowship.  He sent his own son in the image of man so that by believing on his work and life, mankind may gain the eternal purpose of God’s heart to be reconciled to God the father.

The law of  righteousness erects a wall between God and his creation but his son came down to tear that wall by sacrificing his body on cross and redeemed mankind of their sins so that no one should perish but each and everyone will have eternal life. The life that can’t be attained nor be earned by any means was freely given to whoever believes in the name of Jesus.

A new law was written by the finger of the Son of God – Law of grace, that has nothing to do with what man can do for God, but what God has accomplished through his Son –  the sinless lamb of God. He was tempted to sin but never yielded to the temptation.

This old law  was defined by the Son in a way that was never perceived by mankind before. “Seek and ye shall find.” Seek the righteousness of God and find the freedom from the obligation to live by your own righteousness.

The coming of Christ has heralded a new era of freedom. Freedom from the old order to work to get God’s favour to believe and see. The new covenant introduced us to a high priest who is available to help us in our time of need. With the coming of the shepherd of our souls, the burden has been shifted from mankind to prove its righteousness to God to declare them righteous.

“Listen what the spirit says to the Churches”. Just listen – The sinless lamb stands and knocks at the door. Open the door and receive him. Not just him but also a share in his own righteousness!

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